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Christmas fayre (3rd Dec 2022)

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Here are all the photos for the selected event. Select any photo to view it larger:

A lady standing next to a stall featuring home-made Christmas decorations.
A lady sitting behind a stall featuring home-made Christmas cards and printed mugs.
A lady sitting outside a stall featuring home-made Christmas cards and jewellery.
A stall featuring home-made Christmas decorations.
A lady perusing a stall featuring home-made jewellery.
A man sitting behind a stall featuring wreaths and decorations made from holly.
A lady and a gentleman standing behind a stall featuring home-made sweets.
A lady sitting behind a stall featuring many home-made items.
A gentleman sitting behind a stall featuring home-made chocolate.
A large lounge area featuring several stalls along the edges and a lady sitting in a manual wheelchair in the centre.
A lady in a motorised wheelchair sitting behind a stall featuring raffle prizes including a box of chocolates, perfume, and some cuddly toys.
Six people wearing Christmas jumpers standing in a row playing brass instruments.